Our Reports

This report is a culmination of over 30 years looking at Global Warming and Climate Change reports with skepticism the way any scientist should look at all data. The data in this report was taken from government sources where available. No data manipulation was done.  Over 100 Ph. D.’s in Chemistry, Engineering, and Physics have read and confirmed the truth in the report below.  If you are a scientist and want to add your name then go to the contact page and let us know. 

Increased Evaporation is mitigating all ocean rise due to melting glaciers.

JOG-18-0058 Discovery: Increased evaporation mitigates ocean rise due to melting glaciers.pdf

I received the JPL NASA paper and the authors used things that happened after the tilt changed. They used things like the ocean rise to 6 or 9 meters, the land mass water changes after 2002  in their calculations.  This is not cause and effect. 

Tilt of the earth

Dr. Kristine L. DeLong has an excellent write up about how the changing tilt of the earth affects climate.


Milutin Milankovitch: “As the Axial tilt increases, the seasonal contrast increases so that winters are colder and summers are warmer”


Most of the rain-forest data has been moved here: Rain-forest data

Here is a google search you can do to see it.  rain-forest burning annual co2 release 

Some links:
Search amazon rainforest deforestation process    Choose images