We dedicated this book to the 23 PhD’s on our IPCC review team.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports are deliberate science fiction.
A college textbook for every environmental college class.
First Edition
Table of contents
Chapter 1. Carbon dioxide equilibrium. NetZeroCO2E = 8.6 billion tons of photosynthesis.
Chapter 2. Green House gases. Methane is much less greenhouse gas. Water vapor is largest effect
Chapter 3. Astrophysical warming. Cooling in the south and warming in the north where 90% of people live.
Chapter 4. Residence time of atmospheric carbon dioxide. It takes 150 years for anything we do with emissions of carbon dioxide to have and effect.
Chapter 5. Statistical analysis.
Chapter 6. NOAA Mauna Loa data and fraud.
Chapter 7. NiCE fix for Southeast USA storms. Storms stopped in 2022.
Chapter 8 Global Sea rise. 1.4 mm/yr linear and not accelerating. No reliability in NOAA Satellites.
Chapter 9 Photosynthesis issues.
Chapter 10 Atmospheric carbon dioxide doesn’t freeze in the mesosphere.
Chapter 11 NIST and photosynthesis experiment.
Chapter 12 Ocean is not a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Chapter 13 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports are deliberate science fiction.
Chapter 14 Videos to watch
We dedicated this book to the 23 PhD’s on our IPCC review team.