Highschool Textbook for Environmental Science

The textbook title is: Climate Crisis Changed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports are deliberate science fiction. 

This book explores the profound implications of these findings for climate change policy at every level of government. Moreover, it demonstrates the relative ease by which the climate crisis may be resolved and the important steps already underway to resolve it by collaboration with nations around the world. China, India, Pakistan, and Peru are leading the way. The solution is hiding in plain sight.

A textbook for every environmental high school science class. 


We dedicated this book to the 23 PhD’s on our IPCC review team. 


Podcast on 12/26/23 with Tom Nelson who has 15,000 followers for the college textbook we published for environmental science.

Special Note: The September 2020 “wildfires” were arson. Web search it. The Canadian fires are arson . Probably the Europe fires are arson also.

On 7/5/2023 we sent our high school textbook with the same title to the publisher and to emails of the National Science Teacher Association. They had read only access to the publication while written.

On November 1st we signed the contract to publish it. Started marketing email the second week of November 2023. We are raising $3000 to publish it.

March 20th 2023 IPCC Ar6 Report came out. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGIII_FullReport.pdf The statement Jim Skea used to say we need to lower emissions of carbon dioxide by 45% by 2030 had no external references. The three references were to other crappy IPCC reports. Circular referencing is not science! The IPCC Working Group (WG) three made the need to lower emission of carbon dioxide up! This is paragraph B.1.3 on Page 6 of the report.

Excerpts from the book:

Chapter 1. Carbon dioxide equilibrium. NetZeroCO2E = 8.6 billion tons of photosynthesis. Web search NetZeroCO2e and most links go to this.

If web searching for NetZeroCO2e you will find most links go to our manuscript. The published link is here. https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/the-essential-role-of-photosynthesis-in-defining-net-zero-carbon-dioxide-emissions-for-equilibrium-calculations.pdf

Chapter 2. Green House gases. Methane is much less greenhouse gas. Water vapor is largest effect. See greenhouse gas page on cctruth.org

Table 7.2 page 3 of http://irina.eas.gatech.edu/EAS8803_SPRING2012/Lec7.pdf

Chapter 3. Astrophysical warming. Cooling in the south and warming in the north where 90% of people live. See the data page on cctruth.org.

Chapter 4. Residence time of atmospheric carbon dioxide. It takes 150 years for anything we do with emissions of carbon dioxide to have an effect. Still no effect from the Oil Embargo from the 1970’s which would have lowered carbon dioxide emissions by 90% for almost two years.

Nothing the UN or Al Gore said has happened.

Chapter 5. Statistical analysis.

Chapter 6. NOAA Mauna Loa data and fraud.

Chapter 7. NiCE fix for Southeast USA storms. Storms stopped in 2022.

Chapter 8 Global Sea rise. 1.4 mm/yr linear and not accelerating. No reliability in NOAA Satellites.

Chapter 9 Photosynthesis issues.

Chapter 10 Atmospheric carbon dioxide doesn’t freeze in the mesosphere.

Chapter 11 NIST and photosynthesis experiment.

Chapter 12 Ocean is not a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Chapter 13 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports are deliberate science fiction.

They published loosely referenced manuscripts in Nature Climate Change Journal then circular referenced them in their reports. This is not science. Also buried on page 101 their only probability for their solution to work by lowering emissions of carbon dioxide is 66%. Also lowering by 45% will only get us to 19.8 billion tons per year. The equilibrium is 8.6 billion tons of photosynthesis per year. That chapter link is https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGIII_FullReport.pdf  This is paragraph B.1.3 on Page 6 of the report. It had no references to anything. Only footnotes. References are like this (White et Al, Climate Change Journal 2021). The references at the chapter end are not unlike other chapter references. Loosely referenced manuscripts in Nature Climate Change while Adam Yealey was chief editor. His PhD is in Political science. He let the IPCC published these manuscripts. In June of 2020 we notified the board of Nature Climate Change and they fired him the next day. Additionally, the scientific consensus is 33% not 97%. The assertion that 97% of scientists agree with the IPCC is wrong! This high consensus was touted because the three hundred manuscripts published between 2009 and 2013 were chosen for review on the basis of their seeming conformity to a certain point of view.  Rejected for the review and survey of scientists were the more than seven hundred manuscripts written by scientists who had different statistics and conclusions from the ones that were wanted.  Therefore, the agreeing part is 33%. We are 67%ers.   This can be discovered on the untruthful climate.nasa.gov consensus page.

Chapter 14 Videos to watch

Chapter 15 Predatory Journals are a lie.

I contacted the National Academy of Sciences, spoke to Dr. Mike Kuperberg who is the Executive Director of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), He saw the correct science in what I present at Climate Change Conference. He sent it to the other scientists in their office. Their consensus was to have me get a team and participate in the annual “Expert and Government Review (EAGR)” program of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports. 

I led a team of PhD’s who’s ranks soon swelled from myself to 30 other scientists who are also participating in the writing of this college textbook. Together we participated in the “EAGR” program and we unanimously found all kinds of garbage science in their reports. Also, we had Adam Yeeley, the chief editor of Nature Climate Change fired. His PhD was in political science. He let the IPCC scientists publish loosely referenced manuscripts and circular reference them in their reports. This is not science. 

The IPCC reports are deliberate science fiction. The IPCC writers identify themselves as climate experts and inform governments globally in their reports on what to believe about climate change. These false reports lead to false government policies being made that negatively impact every person and business around the globe through unnecessary economic restrictions and taxation.  Chapter 13 has links to the IPCC reports and describes exactly where we found every garbage science in each report. Working group threes report was the best with only a few errors. Working group 1 and 2 reports were mostly garbage.

Chapter 15 explains how predatory journals are a lie!