Climate Crisis Changed (Highschool Textbook) – Digital Download


Climate Crisis Changed

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports are deliberate science fiction.

This book explores the profound implications of these findings for climate change policy at every level of government. Moreover, it demonstrates the relative ease by which the climate crisis may be resolved and the important steps already underway to resolve it by collaboration with nations around the world. China, India, Pakistan, and Peru are leading the way. The solution is hiding in plain sight.

Table of contents

Chapter 1. Carbon dioxide equilibrium. NetZeroCO2E = 8.6 billion tons of photosynthesis.

Chapter 2. Green House gases. Methane is much less greenhouse gas. Water vapor is largest effect

Chapter 3. Astrophysical warming. Cooling in the south and warming in the north where 90% of people live.

Chapter 4. Residence time of atmospheric carbon dioxide. It takes 150 years for anything we do with emissions of carbon dioxide to have and effect.

Chapter 5. Statistical analysis.

Chapter 6. NOAA Mauna Loa data and fraud.

Chapter 7. NiCE fix for Southeast USA storms. Storms stopped in 2022.

Chapter 8 Global Sea rise. 1.4 mm/yr linear and not accelerating. No reliability in NOAA Satellites.

Chapter 9 Photosynthesis issues.

Chapter 10 Atmospheric carbon dioxide doesn’t freeze in the mesosphere.

Chapter 11 NIST and photosynthesis experiment.

Chapter 12 Ocean is not a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Chapter 13 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports are deliberate science fiction.

Chapter 14 Videos to watch



As far back as the 1990’s, two of our Board members, Randy Beers and Dave White, took Dave’s RV to Mount Hood Meadows Ski Resort every Friday evening in the Oregon winter. They’d open a single malt scotch bottle and sit around the fire debunking everything they’d heard about global warming and, later, climate change. Randy has a degree in physics and Dave is a chemical engineer with post-graduate study in advanced statistics. Randy would say things like the warming was due to sun spots and Dave would respond with something like atmospheric carbon dioxide doesn’t freeze in the atmosphere.

As a result of all this collegial prognostication, in 2016 Dave launched Climate Change Truth, Inc. (, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research corporation. When he realized that virtually nothing had been accomplished by controlling emissions of carbon dioxide to lower atmospheric carbon dioxide, he set about gathering all the data. His statistical analyses demonstrated conclusively that carbon dioxide emissions are not the cause of the rise in carbon dioxide levels. Then what is?

Atmospheric carbon dioxide is a binary system statistically. The two causal factors are carbon dioxide emissions and loss of photosynthesis. Since carbon dioxide emissions are clearly not the cause, then there must exist a loss of photosynthesis cause and solution.

This book explores the profound implications of these findings for climate change policy at every level of government. Moreover, it demonstrates the relative ease by which the climate crisis may be resolved and the important steps already underway to resolve it by collaboration with nations around the world. China, India, Pakistan, and Peru are leading the way. The solution is hiding in plain sight.